If you’re a hopeless romantic, then you probably love a good video game wedding. For how many games are out there, video game weddings are actually fairly rare occurrences and often tend to end in some kind of hijinks that just moves the plot along all the more.

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However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few instances where simple weddings go off without any issues at all. Some of the most beloved games of the modern era feature weddings, and an added bonus is that a lot of the time they are optional or act as rewards for players who invest a lot of time into the game.

10 Skyrim

Skyrim player getting married to NPC

The fact that you can get married in Skyrim is just one of the many reasons that people love this seemingly endless RPG. It’s tied to a tiny little quest, meaning that the first time can feel like a real adventure.

Your options are fairly wide, although many of the options may seem lackluster to some. It's easy to forget about the fun little ceremony these days, but true Skyrim lovers probably won’t ever forget about it. Just make sure you make the right choice if you’re on PC so you don’t have to do anything nefarious to make a change.

9 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

A Romantic ending in Fire Emblem Three Houses

In a lot of games, marriage is a tool that is used to further some aspect of the story or characters. Usually, that means things end in disaster, but in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, marriage is simply used to bolster a happy ending.

You get to pick who you marry toward the end of the game, meaning it can be a character who came out of nowhere and surprised you in a later support conversation. It’s a simple wedding option for games, and a personal one too, but a great option in a fantastic tactical RPG.

8 Final Fantasy 4

Cecil and Rosa speak while Kain lingers in the distance

While it may not be as instantly memorable as some other video game weddings, even if you can play the modern pixel remaster, you probably still loved getting to see Cecil and Rosa get together. Anyone who’s played through the game knows it’s impossible to not root for them to be together.

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Thankfully, the game’s story is filled with tropes, so the classic romance trope fits in perfectly. The fact that the two heroes get such a happy ending after a long journey is fitting, even if the game did come with some bizarre twists.

7 Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4 Screenshot Of Meryl And Johnny Wedding

The wedding between Meryl and Johnny is one of the more bizarre ones in video games, but at this point, that’s kind of exactly what you should expect from the Metal Gear Solid series. It has it all, drama, intrigue, a shower of flowers, and even a monkey.

What more could you need for a wedding? Realistically, the scene does seem to be disliked by a vocal minority, but sometimes it’s best to just enjoy the strangeness of the scene. It’s a choice that Hideo Kojima made, and one that we now always have, for better or worse.

6 Catherine

The Katherine True Ending

The Katherine True Ending of Catherine will lead you to a quaint little scene at the wedding of Katherine and Vincent. It’s nothing over the top or incredibly memorable, but it’s a simple scene that feels worth it for all the work you put into the deceptively difficult puzzle game.

You may have access to plenty of other endings depending on the choices you make throughout the game, but this one might just be the most fulfilling of them all. It’s a happy ending and one that lets you get some closure for the entire cast.

5 Dark Souls 3

What a beautiful wedding in Dark Souls 3

When compared with a lot of the other weddings on this list, this one might be a bit weird, but it also has you a lot more involved than a simple cutscene. You actually have to follow a series of cryptic steps in order to get married, and in turn, get the secret ending to the game.

If you haven’t actually seen the scene, it’s not like any kind of wedding you’ve attended. It’s got a lot more Dark Souls stabbing and a lot less romantic kissing, but it’s a crucial part of uncovering a game ending you may have never experienced before.

4 Final Fantasy 10

Yuna walks down the aisle

The wedding of Yuna and Seymour in Final Fantasy 10 is one of the best in the series. It’s filled with drama from start to finish, as you never want Yuna getting anywhere close to the creep. Things end up going okay in the end thanks to some help from Tidus.

The whole event is actually a key part of the story, and Yuna even tries to use it to her advantage, but things don’t go quite as well as she’d hoped. It’s the most memorable wedding in the series thanks to the great moments and fantastic cutscenes.

3 Red Dead Redemption 2

John Marston gets married

The thing that makes the wedding of John Marston and Abigail so special is that you get to experience the whole romance yourself. It’s a bright little epilogue for a game that had a bit of a downer ending, so it only makes sense something happy happened.

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You get to woo Abigail as John takes her on a lengthy date mission, climaxing in a romantic proposal. The ensuing wedding and celebration are quick, but it was enough to bring a tear to the eyes of players who’d already played through the first Red Dead Redemption.

2 Stardew Valley

Two people being married in Stardew Valley in front of a crowd

The thing that makes Stardew Valley’s wedding so special is that you get to decide who takes part. Throughout the game, you build your relationship with the people of the town, and the one you grow closest to is entirely up to you.

It’s a moment that comes when you think your little farmer is in the right place for marriage and it’s a simple but cute little moment that even people with the coldest of hearts can enjoy. The pure and happy nature of the event makes it a bit of an oddity in gaming in the best way possible.

1 Super Mario Odyssey

Mario looking on at what looks to be a wedding between Bowser and the Princess

While it’s not exactly a successful wedding, that doesn’t stop Super Mario Odyssey’s wedding from being unforgettable. It might just be one of the closest moments where Bowser nearly got exactly what he wanted, but luckily, Mario was willing to fight through tophat-wearing Bullet Bills.

Seeing Bowser and Peach struggle over the comedically sized ring is a fun moment of chaos, that you were probably eager to put a stop to. The fact that citizens from all the various worlds showed up for the event makes it even more over the top too.

Next: Best Games With Romance Options