While classic games in The Legend of Zelda series have offered us hookshots, bomb pouches, and even a ridable beyblade, Breath of the Wild took a slightly different approach - Apps!

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With the Sheikah Slate by his side, Link was able to enable various powers and abilities in order to materialize tools and manipulate the world around him. This was a strange step from what we knew for the series - especially as you are given all of these abilities right away on the Great Plateau - but which ones are the best overall?

7 Amiibo

Split image screenshots of Epona, Link and Wolf Link, and Link wearing the Hero of Time set in Breath of the Wild.

Now this might not be an ability that's going to save the kingdom anytime soon, but it is a function of the Sheikah Slate. This one lets you scan an amiibo figure with your switch controller and be presented with rewards in-game.

With specific Zelda amiibos, this can be exclusive outfits and weapons from across the series. Aside from that, you can receive loot, resources, food, weapons, or just some startled fish. You can even summon Epona or Wolf Link as a companion. For that alone, it's worthy of a mention.

6 Cryonis

Zelda Breath of the Wild Cryonis pillar holding open a gate

One of the main abilities of the Sheikah Slate, the Cryonis ability allows you to raise a pillar of ice from any surface of water, be it the ocean, a pond, or a large puddle. This can be useful as platforms to cross freezing water, to tip Guardians on their heads, or to hide behind as cover.

However, despite these uses, it's an ability that you might just forget about most of the time. There are large bodies of water in the game, and you don't want to run out of stamina while swimming, but most of the time this won't be a necessary tool.

5 Camera

Zelda Breath of the Wild Zelda holding Sheikah slate with Link following behind

Everyone loves snapping a good picture, and Link is no different. Whether you're cataloging the flora and fauna of Hyrule for your compendium, or you just want a funny selfie with some unsuspecting Bokoblins, the camera is a great tool to play around with.

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Again, it's not the most useful function of the Sheikah Slate, but it can be a lot of fun. Fill up the compendium, capture your favorite locations and characters, or help Link recall all of the memories he lost 100 years ago.

4 Master Cycle Zero

Link on Master Cycle Zero in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Added into the game with The Champions' Ballad DLC, the Master Cycle Zero is a motorcycle Link can summon and ride around in Breath of the Wild. You'll need to fuel it with resources, but it's an incredible way to traverse the war-torn land.

This ability is great to have and is such a unique reward for completing the final DLC of the game. However, it's a little out of place, and you can never quite replace the horses and bonding that comes with them. As such, it's worthy of the praise, but belongs where it is as just an endgame toy.

3 Magnesis

Zelda Breath of the Wild Link Magnet travel hack floating in air with metal crate using Magnesis

A very fun ability to play around with, Magnesis allows you to remotely grab and move metal objects around. You can bring things to Link, move objects away or into place, or you can even grab a metal box or weapon and swing it around at some enemies or drop it on them without needing to get close.

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Again, like Cryonis, this ability might not have too many uses out in the wild, but it does a lot more in bringing out your creativity. Breath of the Wild is all about playing around with physics and pushing the limits, and Magnesis is a great way to do that.

2 Remote Bomb

Zelda Breath of the Wild Link holding cube bomb in shrine

The most familiar ability, Link is no stranger to bombs in The Legend of Zelda. While he has run around with a pouch full in prior games, or even with devices that allow for more creative explosions, the Remote Bomb abilities are a little different.

With this ability, Link can materialize a bomb from thin air - either a spherical bomb or a cubic bomb, depending on the need of the situation. You might miss the classic style and pouches, but having unlimited bombs to face the obstacles and enemies of a fallen Hyrule is never going to be passed up on.

1 Stasis

Zelda Breath Of The Wild Link using Stasis on a giant stone ball

An ability that, once again, opens up the doors of creativity, Stasis has plenty of uses out there in the wild. You can not only freeze objects in time, but also build up momentum on them by hitting them. With this, you are able to send things flying, either to crash into enemies, crash into the environment, or so Link can hop on and go for a new form of fast travel.

Not only this, but once you upgrade the ability to Stasis+, you can even freeze living creatures. This can be a great help when facing down tough or multiple foes - or, you know, if you just want to mess with some poor Bokoblins. You do you.

NEXT: Is Breath Of The Wild Worth It?