Steam seems to be having some issues currently. A collection of high-profile games, including Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Age of Empires 4, Postal 2, and DayZ are all no longer available for purchase. Head over to any of these games’ Steam listings and you’ll find the "add to cart" button inconveniently removed.

The issue seems to have first been noted by Postal 2 developer Running With Scissors, which posted an update to Twitter earlier this morning. "We're aware POSTAL 2 is currently blocked worldwide on #Steam. This was not our decision and we're trying to figure out what happened," the studio wrote. "Keys bought from our website should still work as usual. We'll update you as soon as we have news."

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Bohemia Interactive, makers of DayZ, also noticed their game had been removed from Steam without explanation.

“We would like to acknowledge the current unavailability of DayZ for purchase on the #Steam platform. We understand the frustration and we apologize for any inconvenience this situation has caused," Bohemia wrote. "We are actively investigating this issue in collaboration with Valve.

"We would like to express our gratitude to the DayZ community for your ongoing support. Your feedback and dedication continue to inspire us in our mission to deliver the best possible gaming experience. Please stay tuned for further updates."

As with Postal 2, anyone who already owns DayZ can continue playing, but nobody who doesn't already own the game can purchase it. This is obviously a problem for developers as they would all prefer to be able to sell their games on the largest digital marketplace on PC.

Valve has yet to acknowledge the issue, but speculation on the Steam subreddit blames these delistings on a problem with last night's scheduled maintenance. This could have something to do with Steam's new game demo feature. Players can now download and try games for 90 minutes. If you don't like it, then just delete the game after the 90 minutes are up, and if you do like it, then you can pay for the game to keep playing without needing to download it again.

We’ll be sure to provide updates as this story develops.

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