Resident Evil 4 Remake was so good, it sparked a debate over whether remade games should be considered for Game of the Year. It has also revived the debate over the perspective from which Resident Evil games should be played. While some fans seem happy with the first person perspective the series shifted and stuck to in Resident Evil 7, others are hopeful it returns to third person in Resident Evil 9.

Antuzzz is the Resident Evil player responsible for sparking the debate over on the series' subreddit. While they enjoyed Resident Evil 7 and Village, both of which launched with first person only, they hope the next game in the series returns to third person. The replies indicate a lot of people agree with that as many have been reminded by the recent remake that Resident Evil may well be at its best when you're looking at the game over the protagonist's shoulder rather than through their eyes.

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Not everyone is convinced Capcom feels the same way though. A couple of replies point to a theory indicating Resident Evil 9 will be first person too. The first three games were fixed angle, Resident Evils four through six were third person, and so far there have been just two first person games in the series. If Capcom really is cycling through perspectives three games at a time, then we have at least one more first person Resident Evil game before it moves on.

There is hope for those of you who prefer your Resident Evil games in the third person, though. Capcom appears to be on the same page, adding a third person mode to Village post-launch. It may well do the same with Resident Evil 9, or, even better, give players the option of choosing how they play the next game from day one.

Some of you have pointed out how the themes of the games differ depending on the perspective. While a return to third person appears popular, some players only want it if Resident Evil 9 is going to focus more on the action side of the series than the horror. The consensus seems to be that if the next game is going to be filled with enemies, make it third person. If it's going to feature less action but more horror and jump scares, stick with first person.

There's been no real indicator yet of where exactly Capcom will go next with Resident Evil. The series might well get another remake before an entirely new installment. If that's the case, some of you have been clamoring for a Code Veronica remake before it moves onto Resident Evil 5, although some have already been sharing what they'd like to see from that too.

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