You would think a game as perfect as Tears of the Kingdom wouldn't need post-launch patches, but Nintendo has gone ahead and rolled one out this week anyway. The patch notes are pretty short, and what's not mentioned is a fix for the various duplication glitches some of you have been using. Despite that, every way players have found to multiply items by nefarious means appears to have been dealt with.

Tears of the Kingdom players have naturally been testing the sequel's exploits since the 1.1.2 patch went live, and as far as I can tell from the various Reddit posts about it, every duplication glitch discovered so far appears to have been wiped from Hyrule. That includes what seemed to be the most popular one which worked exclusively with the strongest weapon in your inventory. Pretty handy.

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One player claims to have tried all of the known duplication glitches and none of them work as other players have echoed that sentiment. Evidence that Nintendo is watching everything we're doing in Tears of the Kingdom, even if it won't acknowledge it. Yes, that does mean Eiji Aonuma has probably seen the giant robot you made that shoots fire out of its penis.

If you have been relying on a duplication glitch to soften the blow of Tears of the Kingdom's flimsy weapons breaking all the time, you may only need to panic for a little while. Yes, Nintendo appears to have removed all of the dupe glitches players found in the first two weeks, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways we don't yet know about. I'm sure the same people who immediately realized the previous glitches have been dealt with are already trying to find new ones.

While Nintendo hasn't mentioned the duplication glitches being fixed in the latest patch notes, it has detailed some of the other changes. A problem that led to music playing at a higher volume for no reason has been patched, as has an issue with the main quest. Some players previously reached a point in the depths where they were unable to progress.

What player discoveries Nintendo decides to leave in its latest Zelda games and what it deems worthy of a patch can be hard to predict. Many would argue the whole point of Tears of the Kingdom is to find exploits to solve puzzles and get around. While building a bridge to effectively get wherever you like seems to be okay, the ability to make multiples of your most valuable items appears to have crossed a line in the eyes of the game's creators.

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