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So, you're seeking out all the High Republic chambers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, are you? After all, they do offer some of the best perks in the game, and you can ultimately snag an achievement/trophy (Star Tours) after your plundered the depths of all seven chambers. However, Cal does have his work cut out for him.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - The Chamber Of Ambidexterity Walkthrough

The Chamber of Fortitude's challenge lies more in actually finding the chamber than accomplishing its primary challenge. So, gear up, head out to Rambler's Reach, and prepare to claim the Persistence Perk with our handy step-by-step guide to finding and completing the Chamber of Fortitude.

How To Access The Chamber Of Fortitude

Cal looking up at a silo in Jedi Survivor

Before you venture out to tackle the Chamber of Fortitude, you must ensure that you have one ability in particular. You must have the Force Slam and Lift ability acquired during the mainline story. To keep story spoilers to a minimum, it's the story mission that will take you to the massive Lucrehulk battleship sitting in the swamp on Koboh.

If you've progressed this far in the story, then you may proceed. The chamber is located in an old rusty silo in the Souther Reach area of Koboh. Go to the center of that area on your map and look for a big silo. You really can't miss it.

Map of Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor
Cal wall jumping a silo in Jedi Survivor

To enter the silo, you have to climb to the top. You can do this by wall-jumping on the red panels on the side of the structure. At the top, you'll latch onto a grate that you can climb around to jump onto a smaller silo. From here, jump back onto the big silo and climb up top.

There are two BX droids on top that you'll have to contend with. Then you will see a latch in the center of the silo's roof that you can Force Lift open. Do so, and then jump down.

Cal force lifting a latch on top of a silo in Jedi Survivor
Cal in front of a green force field in Jedi Survivor

Once inside, head down the walkway and open a panel with the Force Lift to reveal a green force field you must dash through. There is a wall to run along on the other side, and then you'll jump on a climbable surface and hoist yourself up on the new path.

There's a Bedlam Raider you can take out with stealth maneuver and another you must contend with. Then jump to the next platform and wall-run. This curved wall will lead to a surface you can jump on and slide down. At the bottom, Cal will automatically grab onto a ledge. Drop down to the next ledge below it.

The bar will partially break, giving you a clear view of the orange path below it you can jump on.

Cal on an orange walkway in Jedi Survivor

At the end of this pathway is a container. Snag the goods.

Call finding the Goatee and Mustache collectible in Jedi Survivor
Cal using Force slam on a shutter in Jedi Survivor

Then, turn to your right and Force Slam the highlighted shutter down so you can run along it. At the end of this wall run, you'll jump on another climbable grate. This grate will break and slide down with you on it, giving you access to a lower level.

At the bottom, take the zipline across the chasm and climb on the wall on the other side. You will climb up and to the left. Take out the Bedlam Raider on the ledge and run down the path.

Cal ziplining in the silo in Jedi Survivor

You will run into a few Shiverpedes before reaching an elevator. Head down the elevator, defeat the enemies below, and run up the ramp to a large door you can open. This will take you back outside into the Southern Reach. It's simply a shortcut to unlock should you want to return with ease and plunder the area for more goodies (which there are a few). Then head back inside.

Cal force lifting a tractor shovel in Jedi Survivor
Cal in front of the chamber door in Jedi Survivor

Back on the platform, you will see a highlighted tractor-like shovel. Use Force Lift to bring it up so that you can zip to it and wall run across the chasm to the chamber's recognizable door.

How To Complete The Chamber Of Fortitude

Cal inside the Chamber of Fortitude in Jedi Survivor

Once you head down the chamber elevator, you must head inside. Unlike most other chambers, there is no big puzzle to be solved here. Instead, you will be met with a boss fight.

Defeating Anoth Estra

Cal battling Anoth Estra in the Chamber of Fortitude in Jedi Survivor

Like other Bedlam Raiders lieutenants that you've encountered, Anoth Estra wields a Jedi's double-bladed lightsaber. There are a few maneuvers to look out for:

  • Anoth will use a grapple gun to pull you in. The raider might not shout "Get over here," but it very much is a Scorpion move that will leave you vulnerable. Anoth will glow red, so be sure to side-dodge this.
  • Using the grapple gun again, Anoth will also utilize another unblockable move where the raider shoots the grapple gun upward and swing kicks Cal. It's a direct move, so another side dodge should do the trick here.

The rest of the fight is fairly straightforward. Once Anoth is dead, you can grab the collectibles and the Persistence Perk in the next room over.

Cal gaining the perk of Persistence in Jedi Survivor


Here is a list of the collectibles to grab in this very small chamber. Just a quick glance around the two rooms in this chamber, and you will find all that it has to offer.


2 Force Echoes

Two-Tone Metal (BD-1 Material)

Data Disc (it's inside a pot in the boss fight room you must break)

NEXT: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - The Chamber Of Detachment Walkthrough